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About Us

Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship is an ISSN 2229-5348 UGC CARE group I, blind peer-reviewed and open access journal published monthly in English as well as Assamese languages.

Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Journal is a bilingual & multidisciplinary journal dedicated to the research publication in the fields of architecture, business, commerce, development studies, economics, finance, government policies, history, international relations, jurisprudence, knowledgebase, learning, management studies, novel and book reviews, organisational studies, poetry, quasi-judicial studies, resource management, social studies, temporal studies, universal laws, venture capitals, word economics, youth affairs, and alliled fields.

Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Journal publishes a wide range of researches and studies on diverse fields of knowledge. This Journal gives priority to the latest findings and achievements from experts and scholars all over the world. Each issue contains a variety of critical articles, extensive reviews articles and so on. Send papers for review to:

Aim and Scope

The journal aims to publish original research papers, review papers and short communications, in all areas of mathematical and allied applications. Submitted papers must be correct, original, nontrivial, and well written.


We welcome big achievers, professors, research scholars to contribute their original works in forms of case studies, empirical studies, meta-analysis and theoretical articles and illuminate the pages with their universal ideas and fresh perspectives to make the journal synonymous to the entire research field.
Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities:
Administrative sciences, Advertisement, Anthropology, Physical anthropology, Archeology, Criminology, criticism, Cultural Aspects of Development, Economics, Education, English language, Fine Arts, Geography, History, International Relations, Journalism, Languages and Literature, Law and Legislature, Library and Archival Sciences, mass communication, Museology (Museum science), Music, Philosophy, Photography, Physical Education and sports, Political, Political Science, Psychology, Public Administration, Recreational & performing arts, Religious Studies, Social Welfare, Sociology, Statistics, Teacher Education, Tourism Management, Visual Arts, Women Studies.
Management and Commerce:
Accounting and Banking, Business and Marketing, business ethics, Commerce, Database Management System, Economics, Energy Management, entrepreneurship, finance, Financial Development and management, human resource management, Human Resources accounting, Insurance and Risk Management, Logistics, Management, marketing, MIS, Negotiation and counselling, operations management, organizational behaviour, Production and operation, Quality management, quantitative methods, sales and distribution management, strategy, Supply chain management, Tourism Management, Travel management.
Medical Science:
Cancer, Cardiology, Clinical Biochemistry, Hematology, Immunology, Medical Informatics, Medicine & Rheumatolohy, Microbiology, Pharmcol/ Forensic Medicine/ ToxicologySurgery.
Critical care, Community, Preventive, Forensic and legal, Addiction, Alternative, Occupational, Participatory, Sports, Transfusion. Topic of articles is not limited to the above mentioned subjects only . We cordially invite research articles of high quality of any subject which will serve the purpose of greater interest of humanity .
Science, Engineering and Technology:
Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Applied Chemistry, Applied physics, Architecture and Construction, Artificial Intelligence, Automobile Engineering, Biotechnology, Ceramic Technology, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Communication Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Earth quake Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Embedded System, Environmental Engineering, Food Engineering and Technology, Garment Technology, Highway Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Information Technology, Instrumentation Engineering and Technolgy, Interior Design and Decoration, Leather Technology, Electronics Engineering, Library and Information Sciences, Marine Engineering, Material Science, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Medical Laboratory Technology, Metallurgical Engineering, Mining Engineering, Nano Technology, Petroleum Engineering, Plastic Engineering and Technology, Polymer Engineering, Production and Industrial Engineering, Robotics, Rural Development and Technology, Software engineering, Structural engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Test and Testability, Textile Design, Engineering and Processing, Textile Technology (Knitting/Spinning/Weaving), Urban Studies.


Scientists , Faculty Members of Universities , Academicians , Professionals , Research workers and any person interested in the field of Mechanics , Engineering , Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences.


Manuscript must be original and should not have been published previously / elsewhere Manuscript must be written in English using MS-Word (doc or docx format) Manuscript should contain minimum 3 pages to maximum of 15 pages Maximum of FOUR authors are allowed per paper The font should be "Times New Roman" Be sure to include Index terms or Key words The Manuscript should be in a single column Format Follow the straightforward step your paper forthright publish.
Plagiarism Policy:
Whether intentional or not, plagiarism is a serious violation. Plagiarism is the strcmping of ideas, text, data and other creative work (e.g. tables, figures and graphs) and presenting it as original research without proper citation. We define plagiarism as a case in which a paper reproduces another work with at least 35% similarity and without citation. If evidence of plagiarism is found before/after acceptance or after publication of the paper, the author will be offered a chance for rebuttal. If the arguments are not found to be satisfactory, the manuscript will be retracted and the author sanctioned from publishing papers for a period to be determined by the responsible Editor(s).


Submissions are accepted for review with the understanding that the same work has been neither submitted to, nor published in, another publication. Simultaneous submission to other publications will result in immediate rejection of the paper. Papers are not within the journal scope will be rejected immediately after the pre-review process. All manuscripts will be subject to a well established, fair, unbiased peer review and refereeing procedure, and are considered on the basis of their significance, novelty and usefulness to the Journals readership. The reviewing structure will always ensure the anonymity of the referees & it will be reviewed by 3 experts in the field. The review output will be one of the following decisions:
1. Publish, no significant alterations suggested.
2. Publish, but suggest changes to the article as specified in this review.
3. Publish, but suggestions as specified in this review must be addressed by either making changes or explaining why changes would be inappropriate.
4. Reject, but encourage author to try a major revision and a second peer review.
5. Reject, do not encourage a rewrite.
The review process may take approximately one month to be completed. The Editor reserves the right to reject a paper if it does not meet the aims and scope of the journal, it is not revised well.
Free Access Policy:
This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that providing free scientific knowledge to the public provides greater global democratization of knowledge.


Title page:
The manuscript title, name and affiliation of each author, any current or additional affiliations, and corresponding author address and e-mail need to appear on the first page in the manuscript file.
The abstract of not more than 250 words should be a condensed version of the final presentation and include all significant findings. Please do not divide the abstract into sub-sections.
Body text:
The text should be divided into sections, each with a separate heading and numbered consecutively. The section/subsection headings should be typed on a separate line.
Table and Figures: Tables and figures must be submitted together with the main text manuscript.
Results: Results should be clear and concise.
This should explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them. A combined Results and Discussion section is often appropriate. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature.
The main conclusions of the study may be presented in a short Conclusions section, which may stand alone or form a subsection of a Discussion or Results and Discussion section.
The journal expects that topically relevant funding sources and conflicts of interest are fully disclosed in the acknowledgments of all submissions. Please omit the word "number" from grant or contract acknowledgments.
References are each numbered, ordered sequentially as they appear in the text, methods summary, tables, boxes, figure legends, online-only methods, Extended Data tables and Extended Data figure legends.
Template: Click here to download the template.


Authors are cordially invited to submit their research papers electronically in MS WORD software format to the Executive Chief Editor at E – mail : . Manuscript submitted to the journal will be considered for publication with the understanding that the same research paper or a part of it has not been published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.